Developing and expanding the universities and increasing the admission of medical students did resolve the physician shortage, but it brought down the educational quality in return. To face this problem, the administrates needed to promote the quality of education which in turn needed accurate up to date information about conditions in different universities. Information about these issues was collected by the Medical Education Council Secretariat and finally published as the Data Bank and Ranking of the Medical Faculties.
Method: Although nowadays ranking is more qualitative rather than quantitative, the above ranking was done by a statistical method. In this research, the intended statistic population consisted of the data included in the database and the ranking of all 38 medical faculties. To perform this research, the ranking of faculties in the comprehensive entrance exam which indicated the input of educational system was considered the index at first, and later, the ranking of the faculties in the effective factors in education, was arranged according to the regulation of the input system; then outputs of the educational system were adjusted according to the input system and finally a comprehensive table of all the educational information was provided. Then, the relationship of various factors in education with outputs of educational system were discussed.
Result: The correlations of each and all factors, which have an effective part on education were considered separately, collectively, and together, based on the information of the above book. No connection was detected within the factors, which affected the education and the output in different universities. The only relation notable was the admission degree and the outcomes of the national basic science exams. Since no meaningful connection was found within the present parameters, it seemed to be wrong to follow the path that the other sections of the world have taken in choosing the ranking factors.