General considerations
- Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts using the online Thomson Reuters ScholarOne Manuscripts platform
- All correspondence with the JML editorial office needs to be carried on exclusively by email. Other communication channels, if any, will be ignored. Our solely correspondence address is
- Please consult and follow the instructions for each submission step. All information entered during the submission process related to the manuscript should also be included in, and be identical to, the main manuscript file.
- Manuscripts must conform to Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals
- JML is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and independence, as such it does not accept advertising.
- The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of JML and/or the editor(s). JML and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.
Please read the instructions below carefully
- Manuscripts that do not adhere to the submission guidelines will be returned to the authors;
- Email the Authorship Responsibility Form and License to publish Form to the editorial office;
- Each author must complete a separate Authorship Responsibility Form;
- Upload online any potentially overlapping work that is in preparation, has been previously submitted or published, or is in-press;
- Upload online any article currently in- press, which is cited in the References;
- Upload online any abstracts related to the submitted work that are published or submitted for publication;
- The editors encourage the authors to provide the names of at least five potential reviewers who have not been collaborators or co-authors within the last three years and have not provided advice or critique of the submitted manuscript;
- Authors may list up to a maximum of three reviewers they wish to exclude. Please note that papers sent for peer-reviewing do not contain the author’s names and affiliations;
- Any submission will not be processed unless it has assigned authorship. This will avoid eventual conflicts between authors;
- Authors are advised to provide recent references (2010 and recently) from peer-reviewed journals. References older than 2010 are accepted if they point to relevant articles in the field of research that the paper is addressing;
- The authors are also encouraged to submit reviews on their previous papers published in Journal of Medicine and Life in order to increase both visibility of the Journal and the authors;
- The authors are encouraged to send articles that have not been published before in other journals or which are not considered for publication in any other journal;

Please also consider downloading the following documents:
Style and Format
The maximum limit for abstract is 250 words
12-point Arial
Layout and spacing
2 cm margins, double-spaced
Page numbering
Page numbers should be inserted at the bottom of each page
Footnotes are not allowed in the style of the manuscript. If you have footnotes, please move the information in the main text or to the reference list.
If you are using Microsoft Word, please use either the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType add-on. Equations should be editable. Equations in picture format (JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc) are not allowed.
Units of measure
Use SI units of measure in all manuscripts. For example, molar (M) should be changed to mol/L; mg/dL to mmol/L; and cm to mm. Units of measure previously reported as percentages (i.e. hematocrit) are expressed as a decimal fraction. Measurements currently not converted to SI units in biomedical applications are blood and oxygen pressures, enzyme activity, H+ concentration, temperature, and volume. The SI unit should be used in text, followed by the conventionally used measurement in parentheses.
Article Type
Article Type
Original articles
Articles using primary or secondary data, focusing on various fields of life and medicine sciences, on human or animal subjects.
Article Type
Case reports
Detailed information on the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment outcomes of an individual patient. We specifically recommend using the CARE Case Report Guidelines
Article Type
Methodological articles
Studies that describe or present methods, protocols or techniques that are of interest in the medical field.
Article Type
Concise and accurate updates on the latest progress made in an area of research. Systematic reviews should follow the PRISMA guidelines. If you are planning to submit a different type of review (i.e., literature review, narrative, umbrella, rapid, scoping, etc.), please mention its type.
Article Type
Brief reports
Short report of first-ever reports of study findings, or pilot studies. They have the same structure as an original article, but there is a restriction regarding the number of words, tables/graphs, references:
● abstract – 120-160 words
● introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion – 1200-1500 words, without references
● 3 tables/figures
● abstract – 120-160 words
● introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion – 1200-1500 words, without references
● 3 tables/figures
Article Type
Short, focused scientific writings that are either focusing on published articles by our journal or that aim to introduce a special topic for our journal.
● 1000 words
● 10-12 references
● without tables/figures
● 1000 words
● 10-12 references
● without tables/figures
Article Type
Editorials are articles of no more than 1000 words which usually respond to a newsworthy issue. Editorials must be evidence-based and have supporting arguments focused towards an international general medical audience.
Title Page
Comprehensive title with a maximum limit of 45 characters, and without unexplained abbreviations.
Determinants and mental health outcomes of unintended pregnancies among a large sample of pregnant women in Romania: a secondary data analysis
Author names and affiliations
All names should be listed together and separated by commas. Affiliations should be linked to the author's name with superscript numbers and include the department, institution, city, country; ORCID ID (if the author(s) have one). Please do not include academic titles and initials. Please note, the name order is first name and last name.
Katherine Joe1
1 Department of Behavioral Health, Institute of Science, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
1 Department of Behavioral Health, Institute of Science, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Contact information corresponding author
First and last name, affiliation(s), city, country, email address. Corresponding authors should be marked with an asterisk in the author list. The name order is first name and last name.
Katherine Joe1*
1Department of Behavioral Health, University of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky, USA,
1Department of Behavioral Health, University of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky, USA,
Manuscript Sections
Please provide an unstructured abstract containing a maximum of 280 words. The abstract should be a single paragraph and must follow the style of narrative abstracts, without headings. However, it should:
● Place the manuscript in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study.
● State how the study was conducted and the statistical tests used
● Summarize the article's main findings
● State the main conclusion of your study
● Place the manuscript in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study.
● State how the study was conducted and the statistical tests used
● Summarize the article's main findings
● State the main conclusion of your study
All articles require a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 keywords
If you have more than five abbreviations, please create a list of abbreviations and acronyms used in the manuscript. The list should be included in the manuscript, placed after the abstract and before the introduction section. Define abbreviations upon first appearance in text.
For human and animal studies and for systematic reviews, please define the purpose of the work and its significance, including specific hypotheses. Current state of the research should be reviewed, and key publications cited. Finally, briefly mention the main aim of the work.
Material and Methods
For human and animal studies, the materials and methods section should contain the following characteristics:
● sample size,
● inclusion/exclusion criteria, sampling method
● study setting (multicenter, single center, national, local, online),
● timeline (prospective/retrospective, between month(s) and year(s)),
● type (randomized control trial, observational, longitudinal, case-control, cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory, ecological, intervention studies (on effectiveness of preventive measures/treatments, cohort, epidemiological, viral shedding study, community study),
● descriptive statistics of the sample,
● statistical tests,
● variables used,
● primary and secondary endpoints
● statistical software (SPSS, R, STATA, SAS, Medcalc, or others).
Methods that are essentially the same as those presented in previous publications should be cited or succinctly summarized rather than detailed in the print version. For systematic reviews, this section should include the following:
● search strategy
● queried databases
● timeline for the search process
● inclusion/exclusion criteria for the selected studies
● data extraction and analysis strategy
● sample size,
● inclusion/exclusion criteria, sampling method
● study setting (multicenter, single center, national, local, online),
● timeline (prospective/retrospective, between month(s) and year(s)),
● type (randomized control trial, observational, longitudinal, case-control, cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory, ecological, intervention studies (on effectiveness of preventive measures/treatments, cohort, epidemiological, viral shedding study, community study),
● descriptive statistics of the sample,
● statistical tests,
● variables used,
● primary and secondary endpoints
● statistical software (SPSS, R, STATA, SAS, Medcalc, or others).
Methods that are essentially the same as those presented in previous publications should be cited or succinctly summarized rather than detailed in the print version. For systematic reviews, this section should include the following:
● search strategy
● queried databases
● timeline for the search process
● inclusion/exclusion criteria for the selected studies
● data extraction and analysis strategy
For human or animal research studies, it should contain the:
● number of participants
● key demographics (age, sex)
● details on their clinical attributes
● results of primary and secondary outcome measurements
For systematic reviews, authors should state their findings based on the aims of the systematic review (i.e., to summarize the instruments used to measure various dimensions of a particular pathology, the outcomes of an intervention, the therapies used for a disease, the epidemiological trends etc.).
● number of participants
● key demographics (age, sex)
● details on their clinical attributes
● results of primary and secondary outcome measurements
For systematic reviews, authors should state their findings based on the aims of the systematic review (i.e., to summarize the instruments used to measure various dimensions of a particular pathology, the outcomes of an intervention, the therapies used for a disease, the epidemiological trends etc.).
Starting from the main outcomes, the author(s) should discuss the results in accordance with the current findings. This section should include the strengths and limitations of the study. These statements are available for every type of article.
This section should highlight the main message, and (not mandatory) to provide further research directions.
End matter
This section should contain the following mandatory components:
Conflicts of interest:
Authors should disclose any personal conflict of interest that could affect their objectivity, stating the source and nature of conflict. If there is no conflict of interest, please state:
The authors declare no conflict of interest
Ethics approval
Please add the Institutional Review Board Statement and approval number/ID for studies involving humans or animals. Please note that this is mandatory in order to be published in the journal. Please add “The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of [add name of the Institute] (approval number/ID and date of approval)”. If approval was not obtained, the authors must provide a detailed statement explaining why it was not needed.
Consent to participate
This aspect will be indicated with a sentence similar to the following:
● “Written informed consent was obtained from the participants.”If the authors obtained verbal consent, they should state the reason for which written consent was not obtained.
Publication of personal data in any form (pictures or personal information about a patient) in a case report requires the signed consent of the patient. Therefore, all case reports must have a statement that patients have provided consent for publication of data.
Data availability
If applicable, it will be indicated with a sentence similar to the following, depending on the situation:
● “Further data is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.” (if data is not publicly available)“Data analyzed in this article is available in the…” (and indicate the name and link for the open access database, as well as identification information for your dataset).
This section should include all (individual and institutional) private and/or public funding sources for the study as well as support for publishing fee.
It will be indicated with a sentence similar to this example:
● “This study was funded by…”
Personal thanks
Please include in this section only persons that are not included in the list of authors, but have helped conduct the study or prepare the manuscript.
Authors should include a statement to describe the contributions of each co-author. This statement must describe the tasks of each author using their initials. Example of author contribution statement:
“X contributed to conceptualizing”, ”Y contributed to the methodology”, “X contributed to writing the original draft”, “X contributed to editing the manuscript”, “X contributed to data collection”, “X contributed to data curation”, or “X contributed to data analysis”.
Where more than one of the authors contributed to multiple sections, their name will be added to each contribution section.
Conflicts of interest:
Authors should disclose any personal conflict of interest that could affect their objectivity, stating the source and nature of conflict. If there is no conflict of interest, please state:
The authors declare no conflict of interest
Ethics approval
Please add the Institutional Review Board Statement and approval number/ID for studies involving humans or animals. Please note that this is mandatory in order to be published in the journal. Please add “The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of [add name of the Institute] (approval number/ID and date of approval)”. If approval was not obtained, the authors must provide a detailed statement explaining why it was not needed.
Consent to participate
This aspect will be indicated with a sentence similar to the following:
● “Written informed consent was obtained from the participants.”If the authors obtained verbal consent, they should state the reason for which written consent was not obtained.
Publication of personal data in any form (pictures or personal information about a patient) in a case report requires the signed consent of the patient. Therefore, all case reports must have a statement that patients have provided consent for publication of data.
Data availability
If applicable, it will be indicated with a sentence similar to the following, depending on the situation:
● “Further data is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.” (if data is not publicly available)“Data analyzed in this article is available in the…” (and indicate the name and link for the open access database, as well as identification information for your dataset).
This section should include all (individual and institutional) private and/or public funding sources for the study as well as support for publishing fee.
It will be indicated with a sentence similar to this example:
● “This study was funded by…”
Personal thanks
Please include in this section only persons that are not included in the list of authors, but have helped conduct the study or prepare the manuscript.
Authors should include a statement to describe the contributions of each co-author. This statement must describe the tasks of each author using their initials. Example of author contribution statement:
“X contributed to conceptualizing”, ”Y contributed to the methodology”, “X contributed to writing the original draft”, “X contributed to editing the manuscript”, “X contributed to data collection”, “X contributed to data curation”, or “X contributed to data analysis”.
Where more than one of the authors contributed to multiple sections, their name will be added to each contribution section.
References must be numbered in order of first appearance in the text and listed individually at the end of the manuscript. We recommend using a reference management software, such as Mendeley or Zotero. In the text, reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example [1], [1–3], or [1,3]. Please be sure to add the DOI for all references (where available). List the first six authors, followed by et al. If there are more than six authors, list the first six authors, followed by et al. For more information, please check the samples below. Please click here for a complete guide on how to format your references.
1. Wang PS, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Borges G, Bromet EJ, et al. Use of mental health services for anxiety, mood, and substance disorders in 17 countries in the WHO world mental health surveys. Lancet. 2007;370:841-850. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(07)61414-7
Poster presentation
2. Chasman J, Kaplan RF. The effects of occupation on preserved cognitive functioning in dementia. Poster session presented at: Excellence in clinical practice; 4th Annual Conference of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology; 2006 Jun 15-17; Philadelphia, PA. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1001111
Book, editor(s)
3. Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, editors. Robbins basic pathology. 16th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2013.
Book,editor(s), specific chapter with individual author(s)
4. Altobelli N. Airway management. In: Kacmarek R, Stoller JK, Heuer AJ, editors. Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care. 10th ed. St. Louis: Saunders Mosby; 2013. p. 732-86.
Book, personal author(s)
5. Buckingham L. Molecular diagnostics: fundamentals, methods and clinical applications. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis; 2012.
Report available on a web page
6. Canadian Institute for Health Information. Depression among seniors in residential care. Ottawa: The Institute; 2010. 18 p. Available from
Page on a website
7. Alzheimer Society of Canada. Staying physically active. Toronto: The Society; c2015 [Internet]. 2013 Jan 28 [cited 2024 Jan 15 ]. Available from:
Electronic image
8. Bickle I. Swallowed foreign body [radiograph]. 2014 Jul 14. In: [Internet]. c2005-2015. Available from:
Figures and Tables
● All figures should be mentioned in the manuscript, in the order of their entry and should have a legend that explains their content.
● If the figures are composed of more than one part (i.e., Figure A, B, C), this should be mentioned in the text and should have a legend.
● Figures should have text written only in English.
● In the case of numbers, commas (,) should be used for thousands and millions, and the dot (.) for decimals (i.e., 3.14, instead of 3,14 and 1,000, not 1.000). This rule applies for values used in the text as well.
● The quality of the figures is in pixels (bmp, tiff, jpg) and should have at least 300 DPI for the final printing. If not, vectorial images should be sent (EPS or PDF, with fonts included or transformed in curves.
● It is mandatory that the image should be sent also in separate folders (including them in the Word file is optional)
● Tables sent in figure format are not acceptable, only in jpg, bmp, png or tiff formats.
● If the figures are composed of more than one part (i.e., Figure A, B, C), this should be mentioned in the text and should have a legend.
● Figures should have text written only in English.
● In the case of numbers, commas (,) should be used for thousands and millions, and the dot (.) for decimals (i.e., 3.14, instead of 3,14 and 1,000, not 1.000). This rule applies for values used in the text as well.
● The quality of the figures is in pixels (bmp, tiff, jpg) and should have at least 300 DPI for the final printing. If not, vectorial images should be sent (EPS or PDF, with fonts included or transformed in curves.
● It is mandatory that the image should be sent also in separate folders (including them in the Word file is optional)
● Tables sent in figure format are not acceptable, only in jpg, bmp, png or tiff formats.
● All figures should be mentioned in the manuscript, in the order of their entry and should have a legend that explains their content.
● In the case of numbers, commas (,) should be used for thousands and millions, and the dot (.) for decimals (i.e., 3.14, instead of 3,14 and 1,000, not 1.000). This rule applies for values used in the text as well.
● The text should be editable (tables sent as figures are not accepted).
● Abbreviations that appear in the table should be explained in the legend of the table.
● In the case of numbers, commas (,) should be used for thousands and millions, and the dot (.) for decimals (i.e., 3.14, instead of 3,14 and 1,000, not 1.000). This rule applies for values used in the text as well.
● The text should be editable (tables sent as figures are not accepted).
● Abbreviations that appear in the table should be explained in the legend of the table.
Publication Ethics Guideline
All research must be conducted in accordance with recognized ethical standards, including the principles of informed consent and the protection of human subjects.
Trial registration
In line with ICJME guidelines, the Journal of Medicine and Life requires prospective registration of clinical trials in a suitable publicly available database. The ICMJE uses the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of a clinical trial, which is “any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes”. This definition includes phase I to IV trials. The ICMJE defines health-related interventions as “any intervention used to modify a biomedical or health-related outcome” and health-related outcomes as “any biomedical or health-related measures obtained in patients or participants”. Suitable publicly available registries are those listed on the ICMJE website as well as any of the primary registries that participate in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. The trial registration number (TRN) should be included as the last line of the manuscript abstract. For clinical trials that have not been registered prospectively, the Journal of Medicine and Life encourages retrospective registration to ensure the complete publication of all results. The Journal of Medicine and Life will consider manuscripts describing retrospectively registered studies. The TRN and the words 'retrospectively registered’ should be included as the last line of the manuscript abstract. In these cases, the authors are required to provide a reason for the delay of registration in the cover letter, and the journal reserves the right to decide on a case-by-case basis whether the circumstances involved in a failure to appropriately register a clinical trial were likely to have been intended to or resulted in biased reporting.
Complaints and appeals
All complaints and appeals must be sent in written form to Communication outside of this channel will not be taken into account. The JML team will answer all complaints within a maximum of two (2) weeks under normal circumstances.
Allegations of research misconduct
Firstly, the authors are required to read the Instructions for Authors from the webpage of the journal, along with all ethical policies, and follow the requirements before submission. Research misconduct (e.g. citation manipulation, data falsification, data fabricationcan etc.) can be reported with regards to a published article or to a manuscript in the peer-review process. The procedure of the management of complaints regarding misconduct will be implemented following the principles of tact, sensitivity, confidence, and respecting the further criteria:
●The complaints regarding possible research misconduct are sent to the editorial office at the following e-mail address: Communication on any other channels will not be taken into consideration.
●All complaints must specifically and clearly indicate the details of research misconduct. In the case of plagiarism, the section should be clearly highlighted. In the case of other kinds of misconduct, the paragraph(s) should be referred to clearly.
●An in-depth investigation will be conducted by the editorial office. The corresponding author(s) of the suspected article and the editors of the journal will maintain e-mail contact during this period.
●The Editorial Board will ask the corresponding author(s) to offer an explanation for the suppositions, which should be based on factual data and evidence.
●If the misconduct complaint is accepted by the author(s) in case, the following steps will be taken, depending on the context:
●For published articles, an erratum or retraction can be made to address the situation.
●For articles under peer review, the authors should implement the relevant changes before publication.
●The authors will have a timeline to respond with an explanation in 90 days). If no answer is given or the one provided is considered unsatisfactory, Editorial Board will take the responsibility to retract or reject the article permanently. Experts in the institution or other authorities might be contacted upon requirement.
●Once the issue is resolved, the claimant will be informed of the outcome and the complaint case will be considered concluded.
●The complaints regarding possible research misconduct are sent to the editorial office at the following e-mail address: Communication on any other channels will not be taken into consideration.
●All complaints must specifically and clearly indicate the details of research misconduct. In the case of plagiarism, the section should be clearly highlighted. In the case of other kinds of misconduct, the paragraph(s) should be referred to clearly.
●An in-depth investigation will be conducted by the editorial office. The corresponding author(s) of the suspected article and the editors of the journal will maintain e-mail contact during this period.
●The Editorial Board will ask the corresponding author(s) to offer an explanation for the suppositions, which should be based on factual data and evidence.
●If the misconduct complaint is accepted by the author(s) in case, the following steps will be taken, depending on the context:
●For published articles, an erratum or retraction can be made to address the situation.
●For articles under peer review, the authors should implement the relevant changes before publication.
●The authors will have a timeline to respond with an explanation in 90 days). If no answer is given or the one provided is considered unsatisfactory, Editorial Board will take the responsibility to retract or reject the article permanently. Experts in the institution or other authorities might be contacted upon requirement.
●Once the issue is resolved, the claimant will be informed of the outcome and the complaint case will be considered concluded.
Data sharing and reproducibility
The Journal of Medicine and Life strongly encourages authors to include data sets and codes that support their results as supplementary material to promote/showcase data reproducibility. Data reproducibility is the fundamental scientific principle that refers to the ability to recreate the same results using the original data. All data underlying the published manuscripts will be made publicly available as long as it does not present any valid privacy concerns or concerns regarding data protection for human subjects. Data can be read, copied, downloaded, distributed, printed, searched, linked to full-text articles, or used for lawful purposes without further permission from publishers or authors. JML adheres to DOAJ's principle of Open access for its digital content - “Open Access is only when digital content is freely available online, AND user rights and the terms of copyright are defined.” Moreover, authors are encouraged to provide a statement on data availability under “Acknowledgements”.
Ethical oversight
The Journal of Medicine and Life follows the СОРE definition of Ethical oversight, stating that “Ethical oversight should include, but is not limited to, policies on consent to publication, publication on vulnerable populations, ethical conduct of research using animals, ethical conduct of research using human subjects, handling confidential data and of business/marketing practices”.
Corrections and retractions
Journal of Medicine and Life upholds a duty to preserve the integrity and completeness of the academic record of our content. The circumstances for modifying articles post-publishing are outlined underneath. As the Journal places significant importance on the authority of articles following their publication, our policies are based on/showcase the best practices within the academic publishing community. An Erratum is an explanation by the creators of the initial paper that briefly depicts any correction(s) coming about from mistakes or omissions. The corrected article is not removed from the journal, but the Erratum is published in one of the following numbers, made available to all readers, and mentions the original article. A Retraction represents a note that the manuscript ought not to be considered a part of the scientific literature. Retractions/Withdrawals are issued in the case of clear evidence of unreliable findings, either due to misconduct or errors, when the results have been already published elsewhere without accurate referencing, justification, or permission, in the case of plagiarism, or if the paper showcases unethical practices. A notice of the retraction is given to the authors and made available to the readers. Retractions can be made by: • The Journal when concluding this is the appropriate path of action. • The authors, when discovering substantial errors. The readers are notified through a Publisher’s Note that the manuscript encountered corrections in the following publication. It is used in cases where there are typographical or production errors (at the fault of the authors) that affect the integrity of the metadata (e.g., title, authors,__) or that will impact the reader’s ability to understand the article. Minor edits to the article on things that do not affect the metadata or the scientific integrity of the article can be corrected by an understanding with the Publisher. The modified manuscript will also be sent to indexing sources (PubMed, Scopus) to be updated.
All submitted manuscripts and all communication with creators and arbitrators are treated as private. Authors must treat communication with the Journal as private (correspondence, reviewers’ reports, other information), and these should not be posted on any channel.
Regarding plagiarism infringement or other sorts of unethical publication practices, we follow the guidelines on Good Publication Practice as reported in COPE and the Council of Science Editors. These guidelines aim to guarantee that articles are published in a responsible and ethical manner. On a commonsense level, the primary thing we do is conduct an early examination through our anti‐plagiarism certified program (iThenticate®) on each article submitted. Moreover, articles that are suspected cases of plagiarism infringement or other unscrupulous acts are checked for correctness by either the reviewers or the Editors. Each case is looked at individually. The authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material.
Self-plagiarism is defined as a type of plagiarism in which a writer republishes a work in its entirety or reuses portions of a previously written text while authoring a new work (details here). It is considered a serious ethical issue and the academic environment strongly advises against it. Find more information on how you can avoid self-plagiarism at the following link.
Conflict of Interest
Authors are responsible for all published materials and other conflicts of interest regarding subjects included in their work. It is the author's responsibility to mention all the funding received for research and other financial or personal connections linked to the article in their work. The authorship responsibility form is available here. The Journal reserves the right to reject any manuscript that does not adhere to these guidelines.
Copyright information
The License to publish signed by the corresponding author and sent via e-mail together with the manuscript is required before publication. The license to publish is available here.
Journal of Medicine and Life complies to the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) guidelines. Please see all the details here.
JML Electronic Backup Plan for Digital Preservation is available here.
Publication process
The order of publication is determined by:
1. Date of submission
2. Editorial priorities
3. Compliance with the above mentioned recommendations and guidelines
4. Peer-review recommendations
1. Date of submission
2. Editorial priorities
3. Compliance with the above mentioned recommendations and guidelines
4. Peer-review recommendations
Only manuscripts that have been granted the final decision “Accept” after the peer review process and which are paid in full by the author (publishing fee received by JML) will be sent to Production.
The Production team will contact the corresponding author in order to prepare the manuscript for publishing (proofreading, filling in and signing final authorship and License to publish). Should the corresponding author not reply, the Production team will contact the other authors of the same manuscript as long as their contacts are listed. A number of 3 reminders will be sent from the Journal to the authors regarding proofs of each manuscript. Should the authors fail to respond within a maximum of 6 months from the first contact, the Journal will no longer process the manuscript, and no refund or replacement will be accepted.
Should the Authors decide to “Withdraw” their manuscripts after having been sent to Production , the Journal will not be able to refund the fee or replace the manuscript.
Peer Review and Acceptance
The Journal of Medicine and Life uses the ScholarOne platform for its submission, review, and publication workflow. After the submission of a manuscript, a Handling Editor performs an initial assessment of research integrity, quality standards, overall scientific soundness, and adherence to the journal’s instructions for authors.
During this assessment, all manuscripts are automatically verified for plagiarism via the built-in iThenticate software on the ScholarOne platform. Manuscripts with a high level of plagiarism are subject to rejection, whereas those with a medium level of plagiarism are subject to resubmission, with the highlighted sections in the plagiarism report to be modified.
Manuscripts that are not formatted according to the journal’s guidelines are returned to draft using ScholarOne’s ‘Unsubmit’ feature. Authors will be informed by email about the decision, and they will be able to resubmit the manuscript after a proper formatting.
Based on the initial assessment, the Handling Editor can decide to reject the manuscript, request revisions before peer review, or continue with the peer review process. Manuscripts that have passed the initial assessment are sent out for peer review to least two independent experts. Our journal uses single-blind review, meaning that the author does not know the identity of the reviewer, but the reviewer knows the identity of the author. Supplemental material files are also subjected to peer-review.
The reviewers can recommend ‘Accept’, ‘Minor revision’, ‘Major revision’, or ‘Reject’, based on the assessment of the validity of the scientific design and methodology, importance and originality of the findings. At least two reviewer recommendations are needed for reaching a decision regarding suitability for publication. The authors are given 30 days for minor revisions and 60 days for major revisions.
Authors are requested to provide a point-by-point response to all of the questions from the reviewers or provide a rebuttal if some of the reviewer’s comments cannot be revised. The authors are also required to highlight the corrections or sections that have been changed in the revised document.
After resubmission, the manuscript is sent back for evaluation to the same reviewers, if they have previously agreed to receive the revised version. In case the reviewer did not agree to receive the revised version, the Handling Editor will invite another reviewer. All decision types (‘Accept’, ‘Minor revision’, ‘Major revision’, or ‘Reject’) are possible for the revised paper, depending on whether the reviewers are satisfied with the authors' reply and the revised form of the paper.
Reviewers may request a minor or major revision more than one time if they are not fully satisfied with the answers and corrections provided at the first revision. A manuscript can be sent back to the authors to be revised as many times as the reviewers request so, until it is presented in an acceptable format and appropriate quality. A revised manuscript may be rejected if the reviewers recommend so, or if the Editor-in-Chief and Handling Editor decide that the authors have not improved the manuscript.
The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript is given by the Editor-in-Chief or the Handling Editor. Their decision might sometimes differ from the reviewers’ recommendations.
From submission to final decision or publication, one dedicated Assistant Editor coordinates the review process and serves as the main point of contact for authors, academic editors, and reviewers.
Editorials, letters to the editor, interviews, and event reports are not subject to peer review.
The journal does not guarantee manuscript acceptance or very short peer review times.
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