Female infertility is often associated with anovulatory polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), characterized by high serum levels of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) is commonly used to treat PCOS, especially when drug interventions have failed. This study aimed to evaluate the response to LOD intervention in women with PCOS by assessing AMH serum levels and their ability to restore normal physiological menstrual cycle and achieve conception. Seventy-five infertile women (24-41 years old) with body mass index (BMI) ranging from 19.6-35kg/m2 were included in the study. Among them, 57 had primary infertility, and 18 from secondary infertility, with an average duration of 8.6±4.4 years. Baseline levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and AMH were measured, and post-LOD levels of LH and AMH were evaluated. Menstrual cycle regularity was evaluated before and after LOD. Baseline FSH serum level before LOD was 5.2-1.6IU/L. Following LOD, the serum levels of LH and AMH significantly decreased from 14.3±4.1 to 7.8±2.8 IU/L and from 13.7±5.9 to 7.7±3.9 IU/L, respectively (p<0.05). LOD significantly (p<0.05) decreased the menstrual cycles irregularity, such as oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea, from 55 (73.3%) to 22 (29.3%) women and from 2 (2.7%) to 0 (0%) women respectively. Moreover, regular menstrual cycles significantly (p<0.05) increased from 18 (24%) to 53 (70.7%) women. Importantly, 68% of LOD-treated women showed a significant increase in pregnancy rates, with 52.9%, 35.3%, and 11.8% achieving pregnancy within 3, 6, and 9 months after LOD, respectively (p<0.05). Moreover, spontaneous ovulation was observed in 7/75 (9.3%) women within 90 days after LOD, and 71.4% achieved pregnancy. These findings highlight the success of laparoscopic ovarian drilling as an intervention for PCOS, with AMH serving as a reliable test to assess the response to LOD treatment.