The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has embarked on a transformation journey referred to as “Vision 2030”, which commenced in June 2016. The healthcare sector is currently going through a radical transformation under this Vision. The new Model of Care shifts the focus of the healthcare sector towards proactive care and wellness, aiming to achieve better health, better care, and better value. This paper aims to provide an overview of the Model of Care and review its achievements and progress in the Eastern Region. The paper will further discuss the challenges faced and lessons learned through the implementation process. Internal documents were reviewed, and a comprehensive literature search was undertaken in relevant search engines and databases. Some of the successes of the Model of Care implementation include improved data management, collection and visualization, and better patient and community engagement. Nevertheless, there is a sense of urgency to face the many challenges identified in the Saudi Arabian health system over the coming decade. Although the Model of Care focuses on addressing these identified challenges and gaps, there are many difficulties facing its implementation in the country and several lessons learned during the first few years since its launch, which this paper mentions. Hence, there is a need to measure the successes of pathways and the overall impact of the Model of Care on both the healthcare provision as well as improved population health.