Developing and modifying the policies of orphanages requires the availability of accurate information. This study aimed to compare caries and oral hygiene status among orphan and non-orphan children. This descriptive cross-sectional study took place in governmental orphanages and schools of both genders in Mashhad, Iran. The prevalence of caries was assessed using the Decayed, Missing and Filled Tooth (DMFT) index, and oral health status was assessed using the Oral Hygiene Index – Simplified (OHI-S). The results were statistically analyzed using a t-test and Chi-Square test. The mean DMFT was 3.36 in orphans and 2.10 in non-orphan children, which was not statistically significant (p=0.6). The mean dmft was 9.01 in the orphan group and 5.26 in the non-orphan group, which was statistically significant (p=0.003). The average OHI-S index was 2.30 in the group of orphan children and 1.05 in the non-orphan children, presenting a statistically significant difference (p=0.00). The prevalence of caries, especially in deciduous teeth, was high among orphan children. The oral health status of these children was worse than that of children living at home. Consequently, there is a need for proper planning to promote the oral health of children living in orphanages.