Endometrial pathology, including hyperplastic processes in the structure of reproductive disorders, occupies one of the leading places along with inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, contributing to infertility in 80% of cases and irregular menstrual cycle in 40–43%. This study aims to optimize the diagnostic algorithm in patients with endometrial hyperplasia combined with chronic endometritis and determine qualitative indicators of compression sonoelastography in patients with endometrial pathology and infertility. A comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 90 infertile patients aged 25 to 45 years with endometrial hyperplasia combined with chronic inflammation, retention cysts, and benign ovarian tumors was carried out. The results of clinical-laboratory and complex ultrasound examination with compression sonoelastography were compared with the data of pathomorphological and immunohistochemical studies. A high percentage of pelvic inflammatory disease (55.0%), benign lesions of the cervix (67.5%), hyperplastic processes of the myometrium (37.5%), an increasing number of polyps by 2.9 times, leiomyomas and adenomyosis – by 2.3 times (p<0.05) was established. In the case of a combination of endometrial hyperplasia and ovarian cysts, a high percentage of comorbidity of gynecological pathology is verified (37.8%), and the use of compression sonoelastography allows to establish class II and class III elastograms in 91.1% of cases which characterize benign endometrial lesions, reduce the number of false-positive results in 95.6% of cases, correctly interpret the nature of pathological changes and increase the sensitivity of ultrasound techniques.