Cricoid malformations vary according to their severity and anatomic features. Some of them get a delayed diagnosis in spite of the complex medical care.
Objective: To present a case with a laryngeal malformation and our surgery technique.
Material, method: A case presentation of a cannulated child, who previously had a heart surgery, with difficult decannulation. Results: The patient was considered to have an acquired subglottic stenosis due to his medical record. A cricoid cartilage malformation was elicited intraoperatively. A submucosal drilling of the redundant cartilage, with a preservation of the covering laryngeal mucosa was performed. Decannulation was possible at 13 days after surgery.
Conclusion: Instead of having extensive resection surgery we decided to perform an endolaryngeal submucosal drilling, after laryngofissure, with quick and long lasting success. Laryngeal surgery should always be tailored to the patient needs and the surgeon’s preferences.