Hand fractures are one of the most common causes for presenting to the emergency room. Metacarpal fractures count about 18 to 44% of all hand fractures, and are most often standalone closed injuries, without misplacement, not needing operative treatment. We present a case in which osteosynthesis with plates and screws was used to reduce two metacarpal fractures in order to allow an early motion recovery, despite the fact that a small portion of the periosteum needed to be removed. The type of fractures were misclassified according to the radiological findings, therefore the correct diagnosis was established during surgery. The results according to the radiological aspects and to the DASH score were excellent with 95% function recovery at twelve months. In this case, the use of osteosynthesis with plates and screws led to a good fracture healing without any major complications. However, there are a series of complications related to this method that should be taken into consideration. Being misled by the radiological aspects of the fractures, the most certain way to classify a metacarpal shaft fracture is through exploratory surgery, even if in most of the cases the three radiological views are enough to establish the diagnosis.
Abbreviations: DASH score = Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand score, TAM = Total Active Motion, MCP = metacarpal phalangeal joint, PIP = proximal inter phalangeal joint