2015, Volume 8, Issue Spec Iss 3, pp 156 – 168

Explaining the link among self-controlling and children parenting techniques and mental insurance of high school pupils

SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Special Issues

Authors and Affiliations

Correspondence to: Mojtaba Rahimian Boogar, MD, Larestan School of Medical Sciences, Larestan, Iran, New City, Larestan, Fars, Iran, Phone: +989179178078361, E-mail: Rahimian.mojtaba@yahoo.com


Introduction: One of the wellness estimation axes of various communities are the mental well-being of the communities. Health means an attempt to Self-actualization and development that exhibit in the adaptation of person’s skills and experiences. No doubt mental health plays a major role in assuring efficiency in any organization and can be affected via different parameters. Accordingly, the current research conducted by the purpose of illustrating the relationship among self-managing and kid parenting techniques and mental health amongst high school pupils of Abadeh Town.

Methodology: In this sectional-correlation research, 375 pupils are taken and involved in the research in stage group sampling technique of Abadeh high schools. Tangney’s self-managing survey, Barry’s kid parenting rate, Reef’s mental survey and a framework of demographic data utilized to obtain data. Information investigated utilizing software SPSS 19 or Pearson’s relationship coefficient analysis and stepwise multivariable regression investigation.

Findings: Information investigation depicts self-managing parameter has a great and opposite predictability regarding mental health parameter (t =0.003, = β-0.158, P=2.99). Therefore self-managing has great and opposite predictability regarding 2 parts of mental health rate i.e. self-approval (P= 0.0001, t=4.87, β= – 0.181) and dominance on conditions (P= 0.0001, t=3.807, β= – 0.200). The decisions represent the proximity of a consequence relationship among predictability of kid parenting techniques regarding mental health (p=0.01, F=3.85, r2= 0.031, r=0.177). These sequences reveal great predictability of kid parenting styles in 2 various ways in 2 methods of grinding (P=0.035, t= 2.12, β=0.113) and standard (P=0.014, t=2.437, β= 0.434). The Severe method has a reversed important connection in maximum features of mental health. Furthermore, they note that “authoritative method” parameter just has prediction capacity 0.143 based on mental health variance parameter. Plus combining 2 other parameters i.e. self-managing and cruel way, this value rises to 0.188 and 0.225. The greatest rate for prognosticating skill refers to the standard method of kid parenting straight and after that to self-managing and severe method reversely.

Conclusion: based on the significant relationship of kid parenting styles and self-managing in foretelling mental health, the need of notice to these parts is felt in describing the mental health of pupils as many as feasible. Therefore, it is suggested that education of kid parenting techniques is examined as a defensive and serving method for mental health in mental wellness plans for all teens particularly scholars therefore that parents could be satisfied in supporting their kids’ emotional health and stopping their mental troubles via data and utilizing peculiar kid parenting techniques and withdrawing ineffective systems of kid parenting (as severe behavior).


About this article

PMC ID: 5348965
PubMed ID: 28316684

Article Publishing Date (print): 2015
Available Online: 

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ISSN Printing: 1844-122X
ISSN Online: 1844-3117
Journal Title: Journal of Medicine and Life

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