Workplace stress affects the employee’s mental health and customers can run their occupational safety and health care centers in damage. The employees who are sent to the work place have different characters and different events happen in their living event. The present research proposed to study the relation among character attributes and mental health among the staff in Medical Sciences Kermanshah University, the study being performed for the year 2015. In a cross-correlation, 270 employees working in Medical Sciences Kermanshah University in 2015 were randomly selected and neo personality traits and mental health question sheet were augmented with Goldenberg. Data in SPSS 21 are explained with utilizing detailed statistics, correlation coefficient of Pearson and Regression testing. Based on the analysis of solidarity, of conscientiousness (R =0/ 332, p <0/ 001), OCD (R =0/ 221, p <0/ 001) and extraversion (p <0/ 001, R= 115/ 0, the employee’s mental health showed a meaningful positive relationship (p <0/ 001). The outcomes of the regression study explained that, among the 5 parameters of character attributes, conscientiousness and psychoneurosis have two variables 14.08 percentage change criterion variables (mental health) to remarkably prophesy staff (p <0/ 001).
It seemed to support an increased employment rate and provide psychiatric and psychological counseling for employees with improved facilities and, their income could improve their general health and thus improve the capability of the state of health services provided.