Rationale. The imaging methods are more and more used in the clinical process of modern dentistry. Once the implant based treatment alternatives are nowadays seen as being the standard of care in edentulous patients, these techniques must be integrated in the complete denture treatment.
Aim. The study presents some evaluation techniques for the edentulous patient treated by conventional dentures or mini dental implants (mini SKY Bredent) overdentures, using the profile teleradiography. These offer data useful for an optimal positioning of the artificial teeth and the mini dental implants, favoring to obtain an esthetic and functional treatment outcome. We proposed also a method to conceive a simple surgical guide that allows the prosthetically driven implants placement.
Material and method. Clinical case reports were made, highlighting the importance of cephalometric evaluation on lateral teleradiographs in complete edentulous patients. A clinical case that gradually reports the surgical guide preparation (Bredent silicon radio opaque), in order to place the mini dental implants in the best prosthetic and anatomic conditions, was presented.
Conclusions. The profile teleradiograph is a useful tool for the practitioner. It allows establishing the optimal site for implant placement, in a good relation with the overdenture. The conventional denture can be easily and relatively costless transformed in a surgical guide used during implant placement.