Introduction:Nephroureterectomy with perimeatal cystectomy is still the gold standard in the treatment of urothelial upper urinary-tract carcinoma (UUTC). Ureteral endoscopic surgery was proposed as a complementary first step in nephroureterectomy, in order to obviate the low abdominal incision. Our goal was to establish the value of a novel method of endoscopic distal ureteral management in on step nephroureterectomy for UUTC: pluck technique by using bipolar plasma vaporization.
Materials and Methods:During the last two years, we performed nephroureterectomy with pluck transurethral detachment of the intramural ureter by using bipolar plasma vaporization in 42 cases with UUTC (pTa in 16 cases, pT1 in 10 cases, pT2 in 9 cases, pT3 in 7 cases). The tumor was pyelocaliceal in 34 cases, ureteral in 7 cases, and both ureteral and pyelocaliceal in 1 case. The follow-up was performed by cystoscopy with urinary cytology, ultrasonography, intravenous urography and CT. The mean follow-up was of 14 months (range 8 to 26 months).
Results:All procedures were completed successfully. The complications rate was of 4.8%: 2 cases of hematuria, one imposing an endoscopic approach and another one treated conservatively. During follow-up, 6 patients had bladder recurrences, 1 had renal fossa tumors and 1 had secondary lymph-node invasion. The disease-specific mortality rate was of 4.8%.
Conclusions:The endoscopic approach of the terminal ureter with bipolar plasma vaporization as part of one-step nephroureterectomy is a safe, facile and effective method offering good oncological results.