The medical and biological long-term research led to the discovery of some general laws that govern the stimulation of the tissue growth and the regeneration, and this is called: the “tension stress” law.
It was found that a gradual tension of a living tissue creates a stress what can stimulate and maintain the regeneration of the active growth of that specific tissue. A slow traction, the constant of a tissue, will make it become metabolically active, resulting in an increase of the proliferative and biosynthetic functions. These processes are so dependent on an adequate blood flow at the tissue that it is elongated, but they are also dependant on the stimulatory and functional effect of the carrying weight.
The clinical application of this biological law allowed, for the first time, the control of the healing process and the remodeling of the bone and the soft tissue, which allows the development of some new methods of treatment of the diseases caused by the inequalities of legs