Introduction: cytokines and their receptor genes are very polymorphic. SNPs in the promotor region of the gene may influence the rate of cytokine secretion and may affect the biological activity of the encoded cytokine. A number of cytokines and cytokine receptors have been directly linked to the development of human cancers. The aim of our study was to determine the cytokine gene polymorphism in Romanian multiple myeloma patients.
Material and methods: cytokine genotyping was performed in 80 patients and 100 healthy blood donors using molecular biology methods (SSP–Invitrogen, USA).
Results: analyzing each polymorphic site, there was an increased frequency of the following genotypes in patients compared to control group: Interleukin–1beta (IL–1β) pos.+3962 TT, IL–12 pos.–1188 CC, gamma–Interferon (γ–IFN) pos.+874 AA, Transforming Growth Factor– beta1 (TGF– β1) codon10 TT, IL–2 pos.–330 TG and pos.+166 TT, Interleukin–4Receptor alpha (IL–4Rα) pos.–33 TC, IL–10 pos.–1082 GG and pos.–592 CC, IL𢀓6 pos.–174 GG. It should be noted that almost one third of multiple myeloma patients had IL–6 pos.–174 GG genotype and 62% IL–10 GCC haplotype. These identified haplotypes are high interleukins producer, and this fact was confirmed by serum IL–6 and IL–10 levels performed by ELISA and enhanced chemiluminiscence methods.
Conclusion: these markers could be successfully used, together with other specific clinical and biological parameters, as reliable individualized prognostic factors in multiple myeloma patients.