Gallstone ileus represents a rare (0.3–0.5%)[15], but serious complication of a common illness–the gallbladder lithiasis and the incidence of this fascinating disease has remained the same over the years. The main actual characteristics of this pathology are the age over 65, the female gender (men/women ratio 1/5:1:10–due to the high rate of vesicular lithiasis) and the under 50% diagnostic established preoperatively. The frequency of gallstone ileus recurrence is of 4,7–5%.
In this article, we discuss the pathogenesis of this illness presenting all the mechanisms described in the medical literature. The Rigler triad found at the abdominal CT–scan generally established the diagnosis. Still, in 25% of the cases we have a misdiagnosis because of the underestimation of the size of the gallstone.
Finally, the treatment of gallstone ileus has had major changes from the past. We described the endoscopic and laparoscopic approach, which represents the modern treatment of this disease. Despite these diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities, the mortality remains high and the common causes are associated comorbidities and late presentation to the physician.