The sphincter of Oddi disorder (SOD) has been a controversial subject for many years, about which a lot has been written. However, new findings mainly using Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and sphincter of Oddi manometry (SOM) demonstrate the fact of this diagnostic. SOD is just a part of a larger pathology, the functional gastrointestinal disorders, which have been reconsidered as an important part of gastrointestinal diseases. For a better understanding, the American Gastroenterology Association Institute created a new classification of The Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in 2006, Rome III Classification, in which the SOD is grouped in the functional biliary disorders (category E).
The term SOD is used to define manometric abnormalities in patients who have signs and symptoms consistent with a biliary or pancreatic ductal origin. Based on the pathogenic mechanism and manometry findings, the SOD is separated into two groups: a group characterized by a stenotic pattern (anatomical abnormality) and a second group with a dyskinetic pattern (functional abnormality).
The purpose of this article is to construct a short presentation of the main aspects regarding functional SOD (E2 and E3 after Rome III Classification).