In the context of health care reform, the primary task is to ensure the delivery of high-quality medical services and good end results in the performance of individual physicians, structural units, and general medical services. The healthcare sector is one of the most socially significant spheres of functioning in every country. The problem of conflicts presents special social importance in this field, as a result of the rather close relationship between doctor and patient. The main objective of this study was to determine patients’ satisfaction with the quality of healthcare at the primary level. The survey was conducted using an electronic questionnaire. The sample consisted of 1,146 residents of Chernivtsi and the Chernivtsi region, aged 18-56 and older. Almost half of the respondents (42.5%) offered a neutral overall rating of the quality of medical services at the primary care level. Only 25.5% gave a positive valuation of the quality of health care services they received, while 32% gave a negative evaluation. Patients’ actions, opinions, and ideas shape and complement industry policies and the way they are implemented. In this context, if a dialogue is established among the main actors in the healthcare system, improvements in the system can be achieved, which will lead to better health and quality of life for people in the future.