This report describes the case of a 72-year-old female patient admitted to the ophthalmology clinic for a large round-oval tumor with a long-standing keratotic lesion on her lower eyelid, without extending to the free margin of the eyelid. The tumor was excised with a margin in non-tumorous tissue, the nearest being 1 mm away from the tumor at the 12 o’clock position. The surgical process was complicated by the patient’s treatment with the anticoagulant rivaroxaban, resulting in increased bleeding during surgery. The histopathological evaluation showed characteristics indicative of a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, more specifically, the keratoacanthoma type. Consequently, it was necessary to extend the excision at the 12 o’clock position by an additional 3 mm. The procedure involved extensive removal of the impacted area and subsequent reconstruction with advancement flaps, supported by histological examination to ensure total excision. In cases of squamous cell carcinoma on the eyelid, multiple sequential excisions are often required to ensure complete removal within safe histological margins, achieving desirable functional and esthetic results.