The number of clubfoot new cases in Romania is on the rise. According to orthopedic research, the Ponseti method is the elective treatment for clubfeet. This paper aims to provide an overview of the current facilitators and barriers in accessing clubfoot treatment services in Romania and to assess the impact of care-related factors on patients’ well-being. Our research shows that nationally, few orthopedic surgeons are using the Ponseti method and most of them are concentrated only in Cluj-Napoca. Moreover, gynecologists, neonatologists, and family physicians were not informed about the initial diagnosis and the current treatment of clubfoot. Primary medical care was significantly postponed in some cases. Moreover, no clubfoot organizations were mentioned by the parents included in the study, and psychological support was provided neither for the parents nor for the children. Based on the results of our study, we conclude that more efforts need to be done for the diagnosis and treatment of children with clubfeet. These include actions which are focused on raising awareness around this abnormality and more well-developed treatment guidelines.