2014, Volume 7, Issue Spec Iss 3, pp 44 – 50

Chromosomal translocations highlighted in Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors (PNET) and Ewing sarcoma

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Special Issues

Authors and Affiliations

Correspondence to:Ioan Ovidiu Trancau, MD, PhD student, assistant Professor, Primary Doctor Orthopedy-Traumatology Department of Anatomy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania, 8 Eroilor Sanitari Blvd., District 5, code 050474, Bucharest, Romania Mobile phone: +40 723 260 588, E-mail: ovidiutrancau@yahoo.com


Almost 200 molecular markers in oncology, very important in the diagnosis, prognostic and treatment were identified.

The cell and tissue markers and also the circulating (sanguine) ones are genetic markers of the hereditary and non-hereditary tumors.

Also extremely important are the regulatory ways of cell growth and differentiation, of the cell “senescence” and cell death (apoptosis).

The term of “tumor marker” concerns a variety of molecules or processes that are different in the normal cell compared with the malign cell.

The tumor markers may include modifications to the genetic level (mutations, deletions or genes amplifications) to the transcription level (super expression or sub-expression), to the translation level (high or low quantities of proteins, abnormal glycosylation of proteins) and/or to the functional level (the level of cell differentiation or presence of neo-vascularisation).

Cancer is a genetic disease. There is a deregulation at the genes level that controls the cell division and withdrawal from the cell cycle or there is a genetic susceptibility.

In other words, cancer is an end point for several phases in which the oncogenes and stimulatory signals and inhibitors produced and controlled by the products of these oncogenes are involved.


About this article

PMC ID: 4391400
PubMed ID: 25870694

Article Publishing Date (print): 2014
Available Online: 

Journal information

ISSN Printing: 1844-122X
ISSN Online: 1844-3117
Journal Title: Journal of Medicine and Life

Copyright License: Open Access

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.

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