This study aimed to assess the role of paternal genetics in the development of diabetic mellitus (DM) and determine the impact of DM on the urinary system by investigating the percentage of patients with urinary tract infection (UTI). The study included 100 people with DM; their ages ranged from 5 to 83 years. The DM and blood sugar levels were diagnosed clinically and at a laboratory in Al-Zahra Teaching Hospital and the outpatient clinics. The age, gender, and causes of DM and the family history of diabetes were reported. Isolation and identification of bacterial species were made depending on culture media and biochemical tests. The average age of patients was 47.7±5.5, and most of them were female (67%). The incidence of DM increased with age, and the main cause of DM was likely to be a genetic predisposition (family history), where 32% of patients appeared to have a positive family history and the presence of DM in both parents or only the mother had a significant role in increasing the genetic predisposition of developing DM. Among the non-genetic causes of DM, the most common was exposure to sudden psychological or nervous shock (41%). Obesity also had an important role in the development of diabetes, and also pregnancy and smoking. Moreover, 66% of patients with type 2 DM and all with type 1 DM suffered from UTIs. The main causative agents were E. coli (60%) and Proteus spp. (13%). The majority of patients suffering from UTIs (73%) were females. In conclusion, type 2 DM is the most common, especially in females, and increases with age. The main cause of DM was family genetic predisposition and sudden shocks. The current study also showed that most diabetic patients suffered from UTIs, especially females, and the main causes of UTI inflammation are E. coli isolates.