We analyzed the results of single-use flexible ureteroscopy (su-fURS) with the holmium laser in treating renal stones associated with ectopic pelvic kidney (EPK). The study retrospectively analyzed data of 11 patients diagnosed with EPK and stone disease who underwent su-fURS between May 2017 and November 2019. The analyzed surgical data included the mean operation time, stone-free and complication rates, as well as hospitalization period. Disposable digital flexible ureteroscopes were exclusively used. The mean age was 55, with a 1.2:1 male to female ratio. The mean stone burden was 30±9 mm (ranging from 17 to 49 mm). The mean calculi digitized surface area (DSA) was 299±56 mm2 (ranging from 170 to 597 mm2). A ureteral access sheath was used in all 11 patients, and holmium laser lithotripsy was performed (dusting mode parameters: low energy – 0.5J, high frequency – 50 Hz, long pulse; pop-corn mode: high energy >1 J, medium frequency– 10–50 Hz, long pulse; fragmenting mode: high energy >1 J, low frequency <10 Hz, short pulse). The average operative time was 78±19 minutes (ranging from 68 to 144 minutes). The stone-free status (residual fragments <3 mm) after one session was 60.1%, 84.1% after the second session, and 94.4% after the third session. The hospitalization period was 29 hours (ranging from 17 to 39 hours). The overall complications rate (according to the Clavien-Dindo system) was 19.7%. Therefore, su-fURS represents an effective therapeutic approach characterized by a remarkably high stone-free rate and few complications in EPK-associated calculi.