The paper reveals the presence of certain factors that generate inefficiency – in the area of government programmes for labor market inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWD) -, as outlined by the specific instruments of the (external) public performance audit. The identified causes are mostly related to the fact that the drawing up of the necessary budgets for projects related to the social and professional integration of persons with disabilities was not based on the local needs and, thus, the available material, financial and human resources have been overlooked. Referring to a period of five years (2006-2010), it was pointed out that the methodologies related to the targeted projects did not mention any clear regulations regarding the criteria that have to be met by the applicants participating in the selection for projects funded from non-refundable resources. Subsequently, certain non-refundable contracts have been assigned to certain executors (NGO types), even though they did not meet the criteria either in terms of eligibility or in terms of the completion of the objectives mentioned in the project proposals, therefore resulting in illegal payments made towards such parties.