The long process of medical education is important crucial parts related to public health. This research was led to study the educational alternatives in teaching new physicians.
The necessity for a revolution in the medical education is due to the increased number of medical students, constant number of constant number of cases, and their prospects enhanced professors workload and enhanced supervisory agency mistake less clinical events happening for medical students, interns and residents. Newer techniques have become available in improving education. Stimulation has been utilized before as an educational technique in military training, space programs, aviation industry, sports stimulation, nuclear power industry, teaching anatomy, anesthesiology, and resuscitation training. Physical models (in a skills lab or workshop), computer programs including (over the internet), standard patients, etc., can be utilized for this technique. By reviewing the literature, we can conclude that several subjects are needed to be explained earlier education. Thus, to conduct an accurate program, these questions must be answered, appropriately.