The article represents a review of recent data about the therapy of von Willebrand disease in children and adolescents (hereditary as well as acquired forms of the disease). The treatment of bleeding events in these patients, the indications in different subtypes, and the future lines of research are mentioned.
Abbreviations: Ag VWF = von Willebrand antigen, VWD = von Willebrand disease, DDAVP = arginine-vasopressin, EACA = epsilon aminocaproic acid, VWF = von Willebrand factor, VIIc F = the VIIth factor of coagulation, VIIIc F = the VIIIth factor of coagulation, IgG = immunoglobulin G, T/2 = half-time, WVF – Rco = the ristocetin cofactor.