The paper presents the case of a male patient, hospitalized for acute abdomen due to perforated callous ulcer. Though the clinical appearance suggested a benign pathology, the histopathological exam of the resection piece showed multicentric early gastric carcinoma, signet ring cell type. At the patient’s request, total gastrectomy was not performed, a conservative solution being chosen instead. Superior digestive endoscopy with biopsy and oncological dispensarization was performed one month after surgery, then at every 6 months. After 2 years of benign results, the histopathological exam revealed the presence of malign singlet ring cells in the bioptic specimen. Respecting the patient’s option of preserving a good quality of life, subtotal gastrectomy with Pean type gastroenteroanastomosis was performed followed by postoperatory chemotherapy. Endoscopic and oncological follow-up were performed at every six months for another 3 years (up to present), and the evolution was favorable with no local or metastatic recurrence.
Histopathological examination was of great help in the surgical management of this case, allowing a fortunate early diagnosis, a conservative surgical approach, and the preserving of a good quality of life.