Privacy Policy Statement

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using this website, you consent to the use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. You and JML agree to comply with JML Privacy Policy as in force from time to time.

About us

JML takes the privacy of all users of its websites very seriously. This Privacy Policy outlines how your personal information will be treated. Our privacy policy will be reviewed and enhanced from time to time and you should check this page to see our most up-to-date policy. If you would like any further information or have any comments about our Privacy Policy or any other aspect of our website or service, please contact us at JML website, and the access and use by all visitors, are governed by the JML Terms and Conditions, which you must read and accept as a condition to using JML websites.

GDPR policy

The publisher, the Journal of Medicine and Life, based at 37 Mircea Eliade, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, aims to regulate GDPR Policy in order to keep authors informed of how we collect, use, share, secure, and process their personal data. The data controller for the purpose of this policy is the publisher.

How we collect data?

In order to complete our main professional purpose – to publish your articles, the publisher is only collecting authors’ names, surnames, affiliations, and email addresses as personal data information.

How we use data?

The author’s name, surname, and affiliation are collected with the purpose of differentiating authors and their manuscripts from other authors as well as giving credit to authors who publish their work. Each author is aware that by submitting the manuscript he will be announced as the author of a certain published article and takes credit for his/her scientific contributions.

The purpose of collecting the author’s email address is simply for correspondence. From the moment of the article’s submission until its publication, we are in need to be in constant touch with the Corresponding author, or in his absence with other co-authors. Every step in our publication process is followed by a notification that is sent to the Corresponding author and authors have disposal right to reach out to the publisher by sending an email at any time. Therefore, our whole correspondence is through email.

How we disclose data?

Only the publisher has access to authors’ names, surnames, and email addresses.

How we store data?

The author’s data is saved in our online system where authors submit their manuscripts, and they have constant access to it. Authors’ personal data is not exported anywhere outside of the system. The time duration of storing data is unlimited due to the fact that our published articles stay in our archive and are published on the website forever.

The data subject’s rights

Authors of the manuscripts have several rights due to their data storage (the right to access, the right to be forgotten, and the right to object). The right to access: each author can any time access their manuscript registrations and edit uploaded data. On the author’s request, while withdrawing the manuscript, the author can rise a request of deleting his personal data from the system. In that case, the publisher will delete the author’s profile from the system as well as decline the submission. The right to object gives the author competence to object to any changes made during the Galley Proof version and the publisher is obliged to comply with the author’s instructions.

How to complain?

The supervisory authority in charge of executing the author’s rights stated in GDPR Policy is the publisher. In case of any GDPR violations please contact us on our email address:

Changes in the privacy policy

The publisher remains to preserve the right of any modifications regarding GDPR Policy and liability to notify the authors via publication on our website.


In common with many other website operators, we may use standard technology called ‘cookies’ on this site. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Our cookies enable us to identify you and to store information about the services you use on your visits. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser to prevent cookies being stored. However, if you do turn cookies off this will limit the service that we are able to provide to you. Please ensure that your browser’s cookie settings are as you wish.

Transfer and use of your information to and in other countries and to third parties

The server on which JML website are hosted may be outside the country from which you access this website and may be outside your country of residence. Due to the manner in which information is transferred on the Internet, it is likely that information exchanged between you and Frontiers will be routed via other servers in different countries.

Your information may be transferred across country borders, potentially to countries where data protection laws provide a lower level of protection than in your country of residence. JML uses third-party service providers, for example to manage user support requests, and to enable those services to be provided, it may be necessary to transfer some personal data, including an automatic transfer of emails to such providers. By submitting any personal information to JML you consent to such transfer. You should also be aware that, since your articles and (depending on your privacy settings) your profile information, are visible to users in almost every country in the world, which means that your data is necessarily transferred to those countries.


We take the security of your personal information seriously. We have security procedures in place to protect our visitor databases from loss and misuse, and only allow access to it when necessary, and then under strict guidelines as to what use may be made of the personal information contained within it. JML website may contain links to other websites. We have no control over and are not responsible for the content of, privacy policies or security of such sites. We recommend that you check the privacy and security policies of each website you visit.


For more information about GDPR Policy please contact us at The data controller is the person or organization which controls the purposes for which your personal data is used, and the means used to process and protect that information.