2022, Volume 15, Issue 11, pp 1437 – 1441

The outcomes of a methodology for developing prospective pharmacists’ English lexical competence

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Special Issues

Authors and Affiliations

Corresponding Author: Tomashevska Agnessa Yuriivna, Department of Foreign Languages, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. E-mail: vinogradova09@gmail.com


This study assessed the effectiveness of a methodology aimed at developing prospective pharmacists’ professionally oriented English lexical competence in reading and speaking during individual study. The methodology considered students’ interests and experience, forming lexical skills in reading, speaking, listening, and writing, integration with professional subjects, learning metacognitive, cognitive, and compensatory strategies, enhancing students’ autonomy through purposeful forming their reflexive abilities, developing professionally oriented English lexical competence in reading and speaking within three stages, using the suggested system of exercises that consists of corresponding groups (correlating with the stages) and subgroups. The paper also substantiates the criteria for assessing the level of prospective pharmacists in mastering professionally oriented English lexical competence in reading and speaking: the accuracy of understanding, the correctness of guessing a lexical unit’s meaning, the adequacy of lexical unit’s usage, and lexical concentration. In addition, the paper describes the results of the experiment and validates the data obtained with the help of the multifunctional statistic criterion ∏* – of Fishers angular transformation.


About this article

PMC ID: 9762376
PubMed ID: 36567828
DOI: 10.25122/jml-2022-0115

Article Publishing Date (print): 11 2022
Available Online: 

Journal information

ISSN Printing: 1844-122X
ISSN Online: 1844-3117
Journal Title: Journal of Medicine and Life

Copyright License: Open Access

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.

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Special Issues