2014, Volume 7, Issue Spec Iss 2, pp 65 – 68

Tattoo-induced psoriasis

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Special Issues

Authors and Affiliations

Correspondence to:Orzan OA, MD Department of Dermatology, “Elias” Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, 17 Marasti Blvd., District 1, Bucharest Phone: +40 21 316 1600, E-mail: olguta@gmail.com


Koebner phenomenon represents the development of several inflammatory skin lesions (psoriasis, lichen planus, vitiligo, etc.) in uninvolved skin following various traumatic insults. The case of a 27-year-old male patient with scalp psoriasis who was referred to our clinic for generalized psoriatic lesions developed two weeks after tattooing his skin at the age of 18 was presented; the case illustrated the possibility of Koebner phenomenon induced by skin tattooing in patients with psoriasis.


About this article

PMC ID: 4391350
PubMed ID: 25870676

Article Publishing Date (print): 2014
Available Online: 

Journal information

ISSN Printing: 1844-122X
ISSN Online: 1844-3117
Journal Title: Journal of Medicine and Life

Copyright License: Open Access

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SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Special Issues